On Friday i had my first flight since the crash back on 30 October, twelve weeks after that day.
We are up in the Wairarapa on holiday and so i had a short but lovely flight from a local hill here. Since then i have managed a couple more short flights and some thermalling... i am very happy to be airborne again!!!
Anyway some pictures etc might eventuate if i can get organised with a good connection and my camera any time soon...
It is 30+ degrees hot every day, with light northerly winds and cloudless blue skies at the moment, this feels like what summer used to be like! Long may it last.
23 February 2016 A lady of leisure
9 years ago
That means I have been in this job 12 weeks! Only another 8 to go... Scarey!!
Really glad you're back up flying.
Where are you???
me gusta mucho tu blog lo visito a diario visita tu el mi o y si t gusta nos acemos seguidores mutuos
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